Thursday, September 26, 2013

Underway Again

We're back at it! This time we've taken on the project of the master bathroom/closet project. Why you ask? Because this is downright fugly:

We've been looking forward to getting rid of this bathroom for a while. A year. In fact, since the first day we moved in. It's really small, and that was concerning to us because not only for resale value but even for us to not have to be on top of each other while getting ready, showering, etc. Our bedroom is a large rectangle with vaulted ceilings which makes it feel even bigger. Early on we decided that we'd use part of the bedroom plus the full-length mirrored closet and transform it into a master bathroom. 

So, really it's two projects in one. We ordered a custom closet system to be installed on October 14th, so that got us moving on demo. The bathroom had to be gone, floors and lights installed, drywall work complete, painted, etc before then. We brought in the big guns for demo:

They were eager to help for the first 20 minutes. 

Heave-ho on the nasty-stinky-didn't-flush-well-piece-of-crap.

I don't think he ever stops or gets tired.

Sad that it looks better ripped apart than as a bathroom.

As you can see, I'm so helpful. I take pictures while he works. 
So then the best part begins: putting it all back together. Neal had some left-over materials from a recent job, and lucky me I get herringbone wood floors in my closet. Never mind that they are testing every ounce of Neal's patience to install. What a guy.

We decided on an "inset" in the middle to ensure we wouldn't run out of materials.

Almost done! Now for some sanding and staining.


The plumber is set to come this weekend to "rough in" the bathroom (professional speak meaning that he's going to set up all the pipes for the shower/sink/toilet in the new bathroom) so we had to frame in the bathroom space so he could do that, which means chaos ensued in our room:

Neal set up brackets with poles along one wall for our interim "closet".

Where the new wall and bathroom will be.

2x4's coming in through the window.

Carpet torn back.

Beginning of a new wall.

Neal was very sweet and concerned that all of the chaos would stress me out. I'm pumped. It means I can throw my clothes all over the place for a few weeks without anyone noticing and blaming it on the remodel. Yes!!!! Plus, then at the end of all this I'll have an organized place to keep my clothes and a beautiful bathroom.